Hidden Phrase Steel Plates

Backup your seed phrase on metal to protect your information from damage or accidental destruction.

Hidden Phrase steel plates offer an affordable way to keep multiple copies of your seed phrase, and may provide additional security over traditional plain text storage methods.

Prices starting at $7.25/plate:

Your Backup Solution Shouldn't Cost More Than Your Cold Wallet

I tried five different hardware wallets before landing on the one I use today, which meant 5+ backups. After being frustrated with backup solutions that either weren't secure, or cost nearly as much as the wallets they were supposed to protect, I sought a better solution.

Add Extra Security

See our FAQs page for tips on how to add an extra layer of security

Seed Phrase Not Stored in Plain Text

Our plates use the word order from BIP39's standard wordlist, common to most popular wallets

Hide Them!

Store one in your safe, but since the plates aren't easily recognized as seed phrase backups, you may consider other hiding spots.

We've Trimmed Costs to Make Multiple Copies Affordable

"I'd rather have several copies of my backup that I can store in separate locations, than a single copy that becomes a point of failure if lost or stolen."

Durable yet Affordable

Corrosion and oxidation resistant with a melting point of 2,550° F

304 Stainless Steel
  • Made in the United States
  • Laser cut with acid etched markings

How Do Hidden Phrase Plates Work?

Hidden Phrase plates record the placement of each seed word on the standard list of 2048 words provided by BIP39 (Bitcoin Improvement Proposal). This wordlist is what most popular cold and hot wallets pull from to generate your seedphrase.

Coldcard, Trezor, Ledger, Metamask, etc.

Numbers are recorded in binary, but don't worry, we provide a cheat sheet on our setup page. Also, the column headings allow you to easily decode.

In this example our first word is "grass" which is #816 on the wordlist.

To read your Hidden Phrase plate simply add the numbers in each row and find that word on the BIP39 wordlist.

512 + 256 + 32 + 16 = #816 (grass)

Or learn more about setting up and using your Hidden Phrase seed plates: Setup or FAQ's